No one likes to hear that they're judgmental. But even the most open-minded people make judgments on the things that they see. It's a healthy part of life, especially when trying to decide what to invest in and who to interact with.

That's why it's not a bad thing that three out of four consumers will judge your business's reputation based on its website. All it means is that you need to have a bang-up website and great on-page SEO.

Read on to learn:

  • What on-page SEO is
  • Some techniques to keep in mind
  • How to implement SEO best practices

The Basics of On-Page SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a series of online actions that you take to make your web presence stronger. On-page SEO focuses on the contents of your website itself.

Some facets of on-page optimization include:

  • Engaging, high-quality content
  • Keyword usage in content
  • Internal linking
  • Meta descriptions
  • Image optimization
  • Title tags
  • Meta descriptions
  • Mobile readiness
  • Technical website manipulations (load times, optimized code, etc)

When you engage in on-page SEO techniques, you make your website more appealing to Google crawlers.

Also known as Google spiders, these are the bots that scour the web and index the pages in search engines. When Google crawlers find a page that they see as reputable, they push it high up in search engine results pages (SERPs.)

Google's algorithm has a massive impact on your visibility. According to Backlinko in 2023, fewer than 1% of search engine users move to the second page of SERPs. On-page SEO makes it possible for your website to get to the top page of Google results so you're not left in the dust.

On-Page SEO vs Off-Page SEO

Fully understanding on-page SEO techniques also means understanding what these strategies don't encompass. Primarily, businesses should know that on-page SEO doesn't encompass alterations to the web that don't happen on the official website.

If a company changes other areas of the web to boost its visibility, that's called off-page SEO.

Off-page SEO strategies include:

  • Getting inbound links from other business's web pages
  • Driving traffic through links in social media posts
  • Influencer marketing
  • Getting more hits via pay-per-click and social media marketing
  • Boosting your reputation with online reviews and testimonials
  • Brand mentions on other websites

Jooice's listings tool also makes Google Business Profiles easy to manage. You enter listings-related information and our AI puts it into all profiles on the web. This ensures consistent listings on off-page platforms like GBP.

Note that on-page SEO and off-page strategies work in tandem for a comprehensive marketing strategy. Outsourced white-label SEO experts can use both methods to enhance your overall online presence.

How Does On-Page SEO Boost Rankings?

There are several ways that on-page optimization makes your website more appealing to Google crawlers. They include:

  • Easier crawling and indexing
  • Showcasing what queries you're relevant for
  • Targeting the appropriate audience
  • User-friendly design and simple navigation
  • Reducing your bounce rate
  • Eliminating broken links that make indexing hard
  • Nixing outdated or irrelevant content
  • Driving traffic to high-conversion pages

SEMrush has compiled some statistics to prove that on-page SEO improves website rankings:

  • Organic search is the #1 way that people find websites
  • The top organic search result gets 19 times more clicks than the top paid search result
  • 68.7% of all clicks go to the top three Google results
  • Posts with targeted keywords get a 45% higher clickthrough rate (CTR)

Luckily, reaping these benefits is easy when you follow this top-notch on-page SEO checklist!

Understanding Your Audience

All businesses have a target audience that provides them with income. This market will have unique:

  • Needs
  • Values
  • Experiences
  • Pain points

Identifying them means that you can make your web design more interesting to the bulk of your audience.

For example, a retail shop selling trendy women's clothing may primarily cater to:

  • B2C consumers
  • Young, independent women
  • Those in a middle-income bracket

The brand voice needs to be relatable and fun.

On the other hand, someone selling medical devices to hospitals works with:

  • B2B clients (medical facilities)
  • Corporate decision-makers
  • Companies with a lot of funds

Your website will need to be serious and professional.

On-page SEO efforts need to change depending on your business's clientele. Conducting market research is the first step toward doing this.

Collect data about the people who frequent your website. You can also use the data of those who have purchased your goods and services before. Then, do the same analysis for the pages of your direct competitors.

Compile and assess the information while paying close attention to core demographics. This means looking into:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Income
  • Occupation
  • Location

At this point, you can create a buyer persona. This fictional representation of your ideal customer is the person that your marketing efforts will be tailored to. You want to create a website and an on-page SEO strategy that makes your business appealing to this customer.

Most businesses will need to make multiple buyer personae. Each of them represents a section of your target audience.

Creating multiple on-page SEO strategies to gain visibility with all of these consumers can enhance your visibility and drive conversions.

While this may sound challenging, SEO experts like those at Jooice know how to implement good customer segmentation and marketing strategies easily.

Optimizing Your Web Design

At this point, it's time to start updating your website with the help of professionals.

Some facets of site optimization will depend on your target audience.

For example, the young-women-centric fashion retailer discussed above may want to incorporate:

  • Pink, purple, and other bright colors
  • Fun and personable language
  • A quirky and relatable brand voice
  • Skimmable bullet points
  • Lots of product photos
  • Funky, unique shapes

This will go over great with their B2C audience, but it will seem unprofessional and frivolous to an upper-level healthcare executive. If you're a B2B medical device seller, your site should use:

  • Muted professional colors like black, white, and navy
  • Language that's professional but easily understandable
  • Technical information that caters to an expert audience
  • Short but info-heavy paragraphs
  • Testimonials instead of a lot of photos
  • Geometric shapes and designs

Other parts of on-page SEO-friendly web design are universal. Your target audience isn't as relevant when making your site technically functional. Everyone wants easy browsing, meaning that you need to:

  • Use high-contrast colors
  • Have a simple navigation system
  • Include a search bar
  • Incorporate images and graphics
  • Make blog posts easy to search
  • Have large, easily-clickable buttons
  • Keep things mobile-friendly

In the end, a well-designed website will engage all customers. They'll stick around and click through your page. Eventually, they'll find a page that drives conversions so you can find leads and make sales.

Performing Keyword Research

A nice-looking website is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to on-page SEO. You need to boost your visibility so people get the chance to see that website, too.

That's where keyword research comes in!

Putting quality keywords into your content is one of the most important tenets of on-site optimization. This is primarily because keywords direct the right people to your content.

Let's say that your retail shop is selling high-end jewelry. You don't want people searching for designer shoes on your website. It's not relevant to them.

Choosing jewelry-centric keywords like "buy emerald necklaces near me" and "how to clean garnet rings" will bring the right clientele to your shop.

But to know what keywords you need to use, it's important to do a bit of research!

On-page SEO professionals will use expert-made tools to look up keywords. Some tools include SEMrush and Ahrefs.

Better yet, use Jooice's AI tool to find and incorporate great keywords. It doesn't just perform keyword research tasks for you - it includes them in content at appropriate intervals.

Organic keyword incorporation has never been easier!

At this point, they'll look for several different types of keywords, including:

  • Informational keywords for those looking for information relevant to your products (e.g. 'how to style aquamarine earrings')
  • Product keywords about your goods (e.g. 'small gold hoop earrings')
  • Transactional keywords (e.g. 'buy statement necklaces')
  • Local keywords for foot traffic (e.g. 'pearl earrings near me' or 'pearl earrings in Chicago')
  • Long-tail keywords optimized for voice search (e.g. 'where can I find gemstone rings for sale near me?')

Jooice specifically aids with local SEO since our AI aims to optimize content for your service area. You let it know where you operate. All generated blog posts and images will use keywords tailored to your local clientele.

Professionals will select keywords with a high search volume. It needs to score over 100. Higher numbers are better because they mean more people are looking for those keywords.

However, good keywords also need to have a low keyword difficulty. Under 20 is ideal because lower-difficulty queries have a better chance of ranking. If the competition is too steep, your on-page SEO strategy won't amount to anything even if it's good.

Using Keywords in Content

After selecting keywords, on-page SEO professionals will create content that centers around them. This means:

  • Including them in article intros and conclusions
  • Placing them in meta descriptions
  • Adding them to HTML and alt text
  • Using secondary keywords strategically alongside primary ones
  • Putting primary keywords in headers
  • Avoiding keyword stuffing and the penalties that come with excessive keyword use

In the end, when people search for the keywords and other terms similar to them, your website is what will pop up. This gives you visibility with your main demographics. It showcases your brand to those already looking for it.

Using Internal Linking

Internal linking is another core on-page SEO strategy. Unlike backlinks that direct to other parts of the web, internal links direct visitors to other parts of your website. Backlinks are off-page SEO; internal linking is an on-page strategy!

For example, consider a business in the food industry selling meal kits for home delivery.

They may have blog posts about how to have a healthy and balanced diet. These are:

  • Relevant to your services
  • Interesting
  • Valuable to consumers
  • Crawlable and easy to index
  • Easy to rank for in Google with appropriate keyword research

As a result, they may be many visitor's first interaction with that business's brand.

Unfortunately, blog posts aren't going to make a sale. They're not conversion pages. Luckily, they can get viewers interested enough in the meal kits to click on a call to action (CTA).

This CTA can have a hyperlink attached that redirects to a subscription page. When the visitor clicks it, they'll be prompted to choose a subscription package. The business might even offer a free extra meal or a reduced-rate trial to sweeten the deal.

This drives conversions easily!

Conversions aren't the only benefit of using internal links. These links can also direct readers to other blog posts to enhance your clickthrough rate. People will stay on your website longer and enhance your SEO.

In addition to lowering bounce rates, internal links also make pages easier for Google crawlers to index. They follow links throughout your website and see how well-constructed it is. They find diverse pages and get a better feel for what your brand offers.

This proves that you're:

  • Relevant to certain topics
  • Reputable
  • Up-to-date on web design
  • Easy to navigate
  • Focused on your UX

Since Google's bots will see you as a market leader, your rankings will get a huge boost!

Creating Quality Content

No other SEO efforts, whether they're on-page or off-page, matter if your website doesn't feature quality content.

Content is what consumers are there to see. If it's not interesting or providing them with real value, they'll click away. You won't make sales or generate interest. You'll only generate a rising bounce rate that Google crawlers will penalize you for.

Understanding what constitutes "quality content" is the first step toward success!

It should:

  • Offer up information that your target audience cares about
  • Align with reader's values
  • Be easy to skim
  • Use simple languages
  • Have short sentences
  • Have paragraphs that are ≤3 sentences
  • Use bullet points for readability
  • Include comprehensive information
  • Use a personable brand voice
  • Have real-life examples in the text

When you do all these things, people will be excited to read what you post. They might even connect with your brand voice enough to subscribe to newsletters or follow your X or Instagram account.

Working With Professionals

Writing blog posts and creating other content can be challenging for those who aren't trained to do so. It requires good writing skills and a lot of technical knowledge.

Plus, it takes time that most business owners and managers can't invest. This makes total sense - you're trained to develop core products and sell them. You're trained in business models and goal setting.

Writing content isn't your thing, but it is what SEO experts are trained to do!

Quality online reputation management companies like Jooice aren't just able to create great content. Our experts are excited to craft content that boosts your brand.

We leverage tools like:

  • Intuitive dashboards
  • Cutting-edge AI
  • Keyword research tools
  • Smart outlining strategies
  • Tons of past writing experience and knowledge

Then, we spin interesting articles for your clientele to enjoy!

We also love helping you take web design and business listings to the next level. Since tons of pricing plans are available, there's something for every business looking to take off.

Incorporating Visual Content

According to multiple sources, visual content is one of the most important parts of on-page SEO. Over half of marketing professionals say that visuals, specifically videos, are essential.

And with good reason! Websites with images and videos have a 53% higher probability of appearing on page one of SERPs.

Beyond that:

  • Articles with images get 94% more views than other articles
  • By 2025, video content will make up 82% of online traffic
  • 88% of marketers use visuals in over half of their articles

There are several reasons that multimedia is ideal for on-page SEO. It's:

  • Attention-grabbing
  • Eye-catching
  • Easy to understand
  • Interactive
  • Diverse (due to multiple types of media)
  • Memorable in the long term
  • Emotional-response inducing

There are many ways that marketing professionals can help incorporate multimedia into your website. Product photos are one of the simplest and most essential. They showcase what you're selling so consumers can make a more informed decision.

But if you want to sell your brand rather than a product, graphics are a great choice. Stationary infographics are eye-grabbing and interesting, but you can also use animated infographic videos. The movement leads to higher engagement because it draws the eye.

Video reviews and testimonials also help build a connection. When potential clients see them, they know that someone else like them loved the item. If they have similar problems to solve, they might invest, too.

Strategically place multimedia in several places, including:

  • Blog posts
  • Landing pages
  • Product pages

This ensures they're visible and drives engagement on your entire website.

Leveraging AI the Right Way

According to experts, 54% of businesses use AI to give their multimedia content a boost.

This isn't the only way that you should leverage artificial intelligence for on-page SEO. Professionals can also use these tools for:

  • Making research faster
  • Brainstorming topics
  • Generating outlines
  • Finding keywords
  • Finding opportunities to optimize content
  • Creating title tags
  • Optimizing images
  • Analyzing key performance indicators
  • Generating SEO reports

However, you can't rely entirely on AI for content creation. It can feel impersonal and detached. AI should enhance human-made content, not replace it.

Jooice AI makes all this possible. You can make your on-page SEO journey easier with constant AI assistance.

These tools:

  • Generate great text
  • Create awesome images
  • Personalizes content
  • Matches your brand voice
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Manages projects across multiple devices
  • Remains accessible no matter where you are
  • Interprets your reviews and notifies you of them
  • Responds to reviews thoughtfully

This makes reputation management just as easy as content generation will be.

The Ins and Outs of Technical SEO Strategies

Technical SEO is one major facet of on-page SEO. It can improve website ranking strategies by making your page perform better.

Some facets of technical SEO include:

  • Ensuring quick load speeds
  • Integrating quality images that load quickly
  • Fixing broken links
  • Eliminating duplicate content
  • Optimizing URL structure
  • Having clear navigation
  • HTML optimization
  • Including alt text
  • SSL
  • 404 page optimization
  • Enabling image compression
  • Schema markup that helps search engines understand your website

Basically, technical SEO encompasses on-page optimization tips that visitors can't see. They're backend manipulations that make the site work correctly.

However, visitors' inability to conceptualize the technical facets of SEO doesn't make them any less important. In fact, technical SEO is one of the most important parts of any SEO checklist. Without paying attention to these actions, your website won't function well enough for your target audience to stay on it.

Plus, technically-poor websites are difficult for Google bots to crawl through. Even when they're able to, broken links and duplicate content stand out. Poor tagging makes it hard for them to determine what you're all about, and it damages your reputation.

Google is likely to penalize you for these elements, too, so technical SEO is a core part of on-page optimization.

How Does On-Page SEO Interact With Other Content?

Your website isn't the only part of your online presence. As we brushed on when discussing off-page SEO, you'll also manage social media and online reviews. Google Business Profiles and other local indexes also can help drive nearby traffic.

It's important to use your on-page SEO strategies in tandem with this other content.

One way to do this is to drive traffic from social media or Google Ads to your website. This shows search engines that people are coming onto your webpage from multiple channels. It places you as part of the larger online ecosystem so you seem more relevant to crawlers.

You can also offer incentives on your website for people who follow you on social media.

Email newsletters are another great option for those who want comprehensive SEO strategies. They give you consistent visibility with those who are already interested enough to sign up. You can make more impressions and get people onto your well-designed website.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. The possibilities for diversifying your content marketing strategy are nearly limitless. Professionals can help you think of ideas that will work for your brand's unique needs.

Improve Website Ranking Strategies for Your Business

Many factors go into on-page SEO, and Jooice is excited to help you with all of them.

We eliminate the need to go back and forth between multiple platforms when building a website. Instead, we provide you with a single streamlined location for everything you need.

Unlike many competitors, we help automate routine SEO tasks and provide clear reports and insights about your website. We have a wide range of AI tools to help you create SEO-rich content and optimized marketing plans.

Reach out to our experts and begin a risk-free trial of our services today!

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Marco Rocchi

Digital Content Manager

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